Friday, February 20, 2009

Spring in Dunkeld

This was the last of my eight weeks "off work" after the heart attack, so I decided to go up to stay with my father in Dunkeld, especially as my sister Ally was to be there as well.

In the spirit of taking it easy, I checked out the new chain saw I had delivered last November, then continued to clear the elders in the area below the house with the bow saw, and transfer the logs over the deer fence for adding to the fuel store. Ally and I also took a walk up the Deuchary, a 3hr20min walk with an ascent of 400m (around Pentlands size).

However, as a result of Ally's excellent catering, I have definitely put back the weight I was losing!

Deuchary view to east

Snowdrops in Dunkeld garden

Pensioned off wheelbarrow

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