OK, this x-ray isn't my shoulder, it's from the internet.
I had a good visit to the orthopaedic outpatients department on Wednesday, where I had a series of X-rays which confirmed my rotator cuff tendonitis. This is where the tendon which runs between the ball and the overhanging shoulder blade gets trapped in the small space between the two bones. Because it has been around a while, there are clear calcium deposits in the inflamed area.
So I had a corticosteroid injection, to give it a chance to heal up, and by today it is certainly feeling much better. I have to go back in two months. If repeated injections are not enough, the next step is to do some engineering repairs and plane a bit off the underside of the shoulderblade to make a bit more room for the tendon. That sounds sore ...

So I had a corticosteroid injection, to give it a chance to heal up, and by today it is certainly feeling much better. I have to go back in two months. If repeated injections are not enough, the next step is to do some engineering repairs and plane a bit off the underside of the shoulderblade to make a bit more room for the tendon. That sounds sore ...