A group from the choir went for a Sunday afternoon jaunt to see the murals at the Mansfield Traquair Centre - a former Catholic Apostolic church on the edge of the New Town. The building was complete in 1885, and the most outstanding feature is the vast scheme of mural decoration painted by Scotland's leading Arts and Crafts artist Phoebe Anna Traquair in the 1890s. The church suffered badly in the years after it ceased to be a place of worship, but it was rescued in the nick of time. Interestingly, we gave one of the very first choir performances there during the Cafe Graffiti years. A trust was set up in 1993 to preserve the building and murals, and a £6m renovation and restoration was completed in 2005. See more of the murals at the
Mansfield Traquair Trust websiteFollowed by a coffee at the quirky Artisan Roast in Broughton Street, with their lamps made from old cups and mugs.